How Are Pearls Formed – All You Should Know

All the latest fashion jewelry is made from precious jewels and metals nowadays. An important jewel that is used widely in jewelry items nowadays is pearl. But many don’t know exactly how are pearls made and where they actually come from. Well, read on to find out.
Basically, pearls result from a certain biological process which is actually method used by oysters for protecting themselves against any foreign substances. Besides oysters, mussels and clams are also known to produce pearls as well.
Coming back to the manufacturing process, natural pearls begin forming when some foreign substance manages to get into oyster’s shell and its mantle. This is irritating for the mantle and the natural reaction from oysters to this type of nuisance is that they do something for protecting themselves. The irritant is covered in layers by the mantle and these layers are made from nacre substance that is used in the creation of the shell. As a result, a pearl is formed.
So, answering the question how are pearls created, they are actually foreign substances covered by oysters in the nacre layers. You can easily find many nicely rounded pearls but not all of them aren’t in that same shape. Sometimes, the pearls get uneven shape and are referred to as baroque pearls. In fact, they come in quite a few different colors as well including gray, red, black, white, green and blue. Even though you can find most of these pearls in all parts of the world but when it comes to black pearls they are native to South Pacific.
So, it is discussed above that how are pearls formed naturally but they are also cultured pearls as well. They also follow that same process but actually the foreign substance is planted in the shell and it doesn’t end up their naturally. Once the substance is planted, oysters protect themselves with same process mentioned above and make pearls.

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