Getting to know about sobeys cakes

Sobeys are known for a variety of supermarkets that they own all around the word they are known as the food retailer in Canada that is the second largest, in the sense that they have more than 260 supermarkets  in Canada under their control , and about 1500 under different other banners.  Their headquarter is in Nova Scotia, they have a 16 billion dollars accumulated sales, as at 2012. They are also part of the company of the conglomerate empire. The name of the founder of the Sobeys Company is the man called John Sobeys, he founded it in the year 1907, and it was known then as a delivery business for meat alone.  By the year 1924, the son of John Sobeys named Frank Sobey gave an advice to his father that the company should be expanded to become a full grocery store or business that will be serving whole region of the Pictou County. When John died, it was known that the full force behind the Sobeys is Frank, who has with his subordinates and workers driven the company to the height that it is today. Sobeys flyers have been designed such that they provide all the information that their customers need.
Any enterprise that will survive needs to have its customers as its top priority and this is one of the secrets of the Sobeys as they have been found to really please majority of their customers in most cases. Who knows over time, that they will be largest food retailer in Canada? It got to a point where the Sobeys were a real competitor with the Loblaws in the Loblaws’ region. It was until Sobeys purchased the Oshawa group that they became the second largest. They have faced so many bad times in the past, when they had to struggle through the market, especially at the time; they purchased the now-known freshco company. Sobeys deals with cakes known as Sobeys cakes, these cakes are known all over Canada to be the best cakes, because people tend to order them for almost any kind of event that they need them for.
Any company that will survive in any country has to have a way of giving back to its community; this is an act that is practised by Sobeys through various ways.  There have been times when Sobeys had to acquire or buy new properties and facilities in order to expand their market base and market share. In 2013, in the month of November, Sobeys opened their first Sobeys store extra in Ontario. This particular store is the very first that was launched under the extra banner of Sobeys since they started. Sobeys hourshave been incorporated by the decision makers into their business process.

For more information click on this link #sobeyshours.


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